Dual Enrollment & Early Admission

The Dual Enrollment program provides accelerated opportunities to academically talented students from all Polk County public schools, most area private schools, and to students in a home education program.  Dual enrollment allows students to take college classes while still in middle and high school and earn credit for those college courses that will count towards both high school diploma and college degree requirements at the same time.

Where do I start?
Start by following the steps to admission.

Am I required to take Student Orientation?

Dual enrollment students are required to take the Online Student Orientation. You may take orientation online or use a computer in the Advising area or TLCC of any campus.

How do I register for classes after my high school counselor approves them?

    • Register in person with a college advisor. You may not register or make schedule additions on the Polk Portal.
    • You will use Polk Portal to see your schedule and to log into Canvas for your classes.

After I register, what do I do?

Take your Polk State College class schedule back to your school counselor.

How do I get my textbooks?

Students must bring two copies of the current term schedule to a campus B&N bookstore. These can be obtained by either seeing an Admissions or Advising Department Staff member or you may print two copies of your schedule along with one copy of your home page from your Polk Portal.

Getting Started

Click the Seven Steps to Dual Enrollment and Early Admission link in order to get started.
If you have questions about dual enrollment, please email deregistration@polk.edu or see your school counselor.

Students need to email DEregistration@vko29.com to register for the PERT.  The subject of the email should be DE PERT testing. Students must include the following information in their email:

    • Student full name
    • Polk State ID#
    • Name of the high school
    • Sections of the PERT the student will be taking (Reading, Math, English)
    • Statement that the student is taking the test for dual enrollment purposes